Hey There!

I'm Nicole.

Nutrition coach & wellness enthusiast. I help my clients learn how to nourish their bodies & get their metabolisms working for them and not against them without counting calories but learning to build balanced plates!
This is the best skill you'll ever learn and the last time you'll be tempted to try the latest fad diet.


Get to Know Me


Can you Relate?


Wouldn’t it be fantastic to never diet again? To walk into the kitchen, grocery store, or restaurant and know exactly how to build a plate?

Or cook a meal to nourish your body, feel amazing, stay strong, and lean? 

Or maybe it’s bigger than that and you need help with conquering common symptoms that we are told are “normal” but really aren’t? 


Symptoms such as...


  • Unexplained weight gain 
  • Low energy
  • Feeling hangry
  • Afternoon coffee/sugar cravings
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Skin issues 
  • Anxiety
  • Suspected hormonal imbalances 


You’re in luck!  


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Nutrition & Wellness Coaching can help you! Both educating you on how to build a plate that empowers, fuels, and can get you to an ideal weight that you can maintain.

This won’t be with an unsustainable diet that’s all or nothing. My goal is to help you find the place where you can stop obsessing over your food,, be at peace with your health AND your reflection.

Seems like a pipe dream, doesn't it? It's not. Reach out to find out more about the how. 

Book a Discovery Call!


Program Offerings

1-1 Nutrition Coaching


Private virtual coaching focusing on goal setting,  nutrition plan guidance, & lifestyle tweaks based on in-depth intake forms + coaching calls. 

Learn More

Online  Course



Learn the core mindset, nutritional, & fitness practices required for sustainable change.


Course Details

Virtual Fit Group 


Let's get physical, physical! If you are at a stage in your journey where you're ready to take it up a notch movement wise then my at home virtual fitness programs are for you! 

Join Fit Group

In the meantime...

Get my free handout on why blood sugar regulation is important and some quick start action steps!


Heck yes, I want the download!

Download Now!


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